Saturday, June 21, 2008

Quick & Easy Way To Build A Website - 7 Minutes Websites

The 7 Minute Website program will show you the fast, easy, affordable way to get your own website online.
My E-Book is seven simple steps, all of which can be done in about seven minutes a day.

Domain Names: The first thing that we have to do is pick your Domain Name. I explain domains, along with offering tips on selecting a great Domain, how to check if it is available, and how to register it!
Web Hosting: Okay... so you have the Domain Name, now what?!? Well now you need to host it. We go through the options together, and I explain what to look for, where to get it, and what you should be paying for it...
DNS Name Servers (and IP Addresses): are the glue that hold the entire internet together. Don't be scared! This is just one of several "technical" mysteries that we break wide open! Before you know it YOU will be the expert!
HTML and Advanced HTML: Well, you have to build the pages before you can put them on the web. I will show you how to build a web page in 7 minutes. Seriously.


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